Scoops 2023

We had a great year in 2023. We exceeded our Scoops Goal. This is the money our members earn from the Scoops that were shared. We had a goal of $100,000 and crushed it with a final tally of $138, 635.00 Thanks to everyone who brought in Scoops. This is more proof that Scoops works.

A lot was accomplished this year. We have found a new home starting January 4, 2024. We have also re-worked our dues and fine structure to make sure we are in solid financial footing for years to come. In addition, we welcomed a new member to Scoops this year and have several other interested candidates. Thanks to all those who share the value of Scoops to our business community. We still remain the best value local business group around.

In addition, we also had many great socials this year as well as a great Past Presidents party, Holiday Dinner and Pirate Exchange. Lots of participation and fun events. Below are some pictures from 2023. Let’s make it an even better 2024.